Welcome to Winterskloof

situated on the north western fringe of Pietermaritzburg

our beautiful, verdant and undulating valley
Welcome to the Winterskloof Sector Forum
The Winterskloof Sector Forum (WSF) employs service providers to address crime in the area. The Winterskloof Tactical Surveillance Unit (aka WTSU or Eagles) under the banner of the WSF is involved in the Hilton Community Neighbourhood Watch (HCNW), the Hilton Rapid Response (HRR) and the HCNW Operational Group which counter criminal activity in the area.
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Executive Member of the HCNW as well as member of the HCNW Operations Group.
Actively involved in the Hilton Rapid Response Unit.
Closely monitor crime trends in Winterskloof and surrounding area.
Maintain constant stream of ‘intel gathering’ relating to activities in Winterskloof/Hilton.
Attend scenes of crime in the area to establish trends and to determine ‘modus operandi’ with a view to identifying suspects, linking known criminals and/or persons recently released.
Maintain close liaison with Hilton SAPS, assisting where needed.
Pro-actively conduct ‘visible’ mobile patrols in Winterskloof area.
Co-ordinate day/night ‘foot/static patrols’ by surveillance officers, known as ‘The Eagles’.
Install and monitor ‘covert cameras’ positioned at pre-determined locations to assist in operations.
Co-ordinate ‘clandestine operations’ to deter would-be criminals.
Monitor and respond to emergency reports on established ’WhatsApp Groups’.